Saturday, April 14, 2012

When Words Fail

I am trying to write here every other day but yesterday and today I have started and abandoned more than one possible post.  I feel like I am forcing it.  So instead, I am going with a photostream that fits my mood and what I think the universe is trying to communicate to me right now. 

This has to be the primary message trying to make itself clear these days.  Slow down. Stop multi-tasking.  Stop trying to do everything.  I didn't pay my credit card bill until 4 days after it was due.  I was balancing my register and wondered why it hadn't posted.  I got it in the register but never set up the bill pay.  Four days may sound minor but I haven't been even one day late in 11 years. 

My mood this week was...stormy.  Ask David, I am sure he would agree.  Yesterday I was talking to a customer and thought I might cry.  And nobody better comment about that being normal at my age.

Fortunately I was working from home most of the week.  After years of never being alone, I find that I need time alone.  My favorite time of the day has become after David leaves in the morning when I lay by myself in the semi-dark quiet of our bedroom.

This image represents change and possibility to me.  I feel like so much has changed in the last few years - we became grandparents, we became empty-nesters - and there is more change to come.  I can feel it.

An invitation accepted.  For years I didn't use my vacation unless someone was sick or school was out.  Now I get to use it for me.  So when my mom called and said "Want to go to Florida in August", I said yes, yes I do.

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